
Writing a successful book is a lengthy journey. Don't go it alone.

Join a community of 300+ determined nonfiction authors to get unstuck, get feedback, and keep moving. The Useful Books community is composed of both first-time and experienced authors, who are writing about every type of topic, from nutrition to node.js.

Useful Books Community

  • Weekly Writing Accountability Groups
  • Knowledge base covering every phase of the writing process
  • 300+ nonfiction authors writing and learning alongside you
  • Includes access to Help This Book
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On community
The community provides a specific, detailed, and modern approach to writing, improving, beta testing, launching, and marketing a book. Applying these concepts helped my book, Product-Led Onboarding to become a #1 best-seller in its Amazon categories. Do yourself a favor - join this commuinty!
On process
I always wanted to write a nonfiction book, but never really knew how. Rob’s book and the ‘Useful Books’ community were incredibly helpful, giving me specific step-by-step instructions covering every aspect of the process, and answering all my questions. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
On accountability
Wanted to say this morning's group was super productive! I got some writing done that would otherwise not have gotten done. I'm officially well over 20K words today. Got about 1000 more words done this morning after the live session. Love this group!
On community
Joining this community has accelerated both my writing and my productivity. The weekly sessions—talking to other authors about my goals, and even just making the time—have been so helpful for reaching and staying in flow state.

Amazing events and a growing knowledgebase.


Weekly Writing Accountability Groups and goal-setting keep you on track.

Feedback and Q&A

Access to our private authors’ community and the support of 300+ determined authors.


Monthly live events with amazing guest speakers, plus a growing knowledgebase of best practices

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